2.2 TS circulated some event reports and controllers’ report of Colour-coded Events and Champions League Events at the meeting. Special thanks to Mr. Li Tak Kun of MWCSOC in translating the Event Report Form in Chinese. TS asked meeting’s approval to re-appoint the key event officials who were stated in the event reports. The meeting agreed that these event officials, i.e. course setters, mappers, organisers and controllers were eligible to re-appoint after 2001. The name of these officials would be put in OAHK's web page.
Item 3 Champions League Events
3.2 TS said that the Start and Finish procedure in Champions League Events could be decided by organising clubs themselves. And it should be stated clearly in Event Information
3.6 TS suggested that competitors should put the e-punch in the start unit for at least 5 to 10 seconds.
3.7 YAOC proposed to put the start list in both the start area and the event centre. The proposal was agreed by the meeting.
Item 5 Amendment of Competition System
5.1 TS proposed to amend the competition system as follows :
5.1.1 2 classes H21 and D21 would be added in the Champions League Events. Since the technical standard of H/D20 runners was not so high to promote to the HE class. The addition of H/D21 classes might be a stepping stone for them to enter H/DE class.
5.1.2 The champion in each age class of the Champions League Ranking could enter the H/DE class or they could choose to join their own age class in next competition season.
5.1.3 If participants could not retain in H/DE class, then they should join their own age class in the Champions League Event the next competition season. They could not be ranked in Colour-code Events as their technical standard was too high. And it might affect the promotion objective of Colour-coded Events. If these runners did not want to run in their age class, they should write to TC for approval.
5.1.4 If runners of H/D21 class in Colour-coded Events attained the pass score to be promoted to Champions League Events, they could enter the H/D21 classes only and could not join H/DE classes.
5.1.5 After discussion, the number of participants in each class of the Champions League Events would be limited to 20.
5.2 TS said that the above amendments would be disclosed to all clubs and would be published in OAHK Newsletters. A consultation period of 3 months would be given for members to submit their opinions.
2.2 技術秘書於會上傳閱部份色級賽及錦標聯賽之賽事報告及控制員報告,並特別向旺角勞工子弟學校野外定向會之李德根老師致謝,感謝他將賽事報告翻譯為中文,技術秘書要求會議批准再委任於賽事報告中提出之主要賽事工作人員,會議同意該些賽事工作人員即路線設計員、繒圖員、主辦者及控制員可於2001年後再獲委任,有關工作人員之名單將會刊載於總會網頁中。
三. 錦標聯賽
3.2 技術秘書表示主辦屬會可以自行決定錦標聯賽之出發及終點程序,但需於賽員須知內列明。
3.6 技術秘書建議賽員應將電子打孔器放在出發單位最少五至十秒。
3.7 青進野外定向會建議將出發名單放於出發區及賽事中心,會議通過此項建議。
五. 賽制修改
5.1 技術秘書建議修改賽制如下:
5.1.1 於錦標聯賽中加入男子21歲及女子21歲兩個組別,由於男/女子20歲組別之技術水平未達至可以提升至男/女子精英組,加入男/女子21歲兩個組別可以成為他們參加男/女子精英組之踏腳石。
5.1.2 於錦標聯賽排名中,每個組別之冠軍可以於下一個賽季參加男/女子精英組或選擇參加他們自己之年齡組別。
5.1.3 如賽員未能於錦標聯賽之男/女子精英組中留級,他們便需於下個賽季的錦標聯賽中參加他們之年齡組別,由於他們的技術水平過高及為免影嚮色級賽之推廣目標,故此他們不能於色級賽中排名。如賽員不想參加自己的年齡組別,他們便應向技術委員會以書面申請批准。
5.1.4 參加男/女子21歲組別之色級賽賽員若取得可升級至錦標聯賽之分數,他們則只可於錦標聯賽參加男/女子21歲組別,而不能參加男/女子精英組。
5.1.5 經商討後,錦標聯賽之所有組別的參加人數限於20人。
5.2 技術秘書表示以上所有修改將會發信予所有屬會及會於總會“定訊”中刊載,並會有三個月的諮詢期給予會員提供意見。