Orienteering Association of Hong Kong
Minutes of the Tenth Technical Committee Meeting on Competition System
Held on 15 May 2000, 7pm at Meeting Room No. 1 of Sports House
Item 2 Amendment of Competition System
2.2. The meeting agreed that the score for the retainment in Champions League Event would be the same as last year as follows :
2.2.1 Those who got an average score of 700 in classes HE/DE/H21/D21 could be retained in Champions League Events.
2.2.2 Those who got an average score of 600 in other classes could be retained in Champions League Events.
2.3 The meeting also agreed that the average score for the promotion to the Champions League Events would be the same as last year :
2.3.1 Those who got an average score of 800 in classes H21/D21 of Colour-coded Ranking could be promoted to Champions League Events.
2.3.2 Those who got an average score of 700 in other classes of Colour-coded Ranking could be promoted to Champions League Events.
2.4 In responding to the 2nd comment from AKIN, the meeting resolved that if the average scores of 1st and 2nd Runner-up were closed to the score of the Champions, then they could write to TC for discussion. TC would decide whether to accept their request on promotion or retainment in Champions League Events.
2.5 The meeting rejected the 4th suggestion from AKIN. The number of participants of Champions League Events in each class would be limited to 20 for the year 2000/2001, while the number of participants in H/D21 classes would be increased to 30 as starting from 2001/2002.
2.6 The meeting agreed that the combination of courses in Champions League Events would be as follows :
1. HE 2. H21 & H35 3. H20 & H40
4. DE & H45 5. H18, D21 & D35 6. H16, D18 & D20
7. H14 & D16 8. D14
2.7 The amendments of competition system was endorsed at the meeting.
Item 3 Colour-coded Events
3.1 After discussion, the meeting resolved that age class H45 should be classified as "Green" course, while age classes H/D21A would be amended as H/D21B.
3.2 The combination of age classes and the colour courses was confirmed as follows :
Colour Course | Age Class |
White | Nil |
Yellow | D14 |
Orange | D16 & H14 |
Red | D18, H16, D20 & D21B |
Green |
H18, D35, H21B & H45 |
Blue | H20, D21 & H40 |
Brown | H21 & H35 |
Item 4 Champions League Events
4.1 TS had circulated the drafted circular to the runners of Champions League Events for meeting’s comments. It was agreed that a sentence should be added as "participants should enter the appropriate classes according to their age and the age count as on 1 January 2001." And the deadline for submitting the reply slip would be on 15 June 2000.
4.2 The meeting agreed that Mr. Lau Wing Hang could join HE class and Ms. Li Wai Ying could join DE class for the year 2000/2001.
4.3 The meeting agreed that the following persons could also be retained in Champions League Events 2000/2001 :
1. Mr. Tse Yee Lut 2. Mr. Luk Chi Hin
3. Mr. Leung Hoi Chuen 4. Mr. Ko Cheuk Wing
5. Mr. Yip Ka Fai 6. Ms. So Mui Hei
7. Ms. Yeh Tsuen Tsuen 8. Ms. Wong Sau Wan
9. Ms. Chan Sheung Yu 10. Ms. Tung Hong Wai
11. Ms. Chiu Konie 12. Ms. Wong Yi Tak
4.4 TS reported that he received the nomination of 4 competitors from HKOC to join the Champions League Events 2000/2001. TS said that HKOC
’s recommendation would be discussed at the next meeting together with recommendations from other clubs. Since the next meeting was scheduled on 5 June 2000. All clubs should submit their recommendations to TC before 5 June 2000. Clubs were reminded to state clearly the orienteering experience of the nominees and to confirm with the nominees that they would join the League before submitting the recommendations. TS also said that the recommendation of Junior competitors would be followed-up by TCC.Item 5 Event Calendar
5.3 The meeting raised no objection to the organisation of Colour-coded and Champions League Events by the clubs that had already registered with OAHK.
Item 6 Any Other Business
6.1 TS reported that OAHK received an e-mail from Mr. Steve Holmes requesting for avoiding to organise the Champions League Event on the dates of Mountain Marathon since Mountain Marathon was a chance of training for orienteers. In responding to Mr. Holmes
’s request, TS said that the Champions League Event co-organised by HKOXCC had already changed to be held on 3 December 2000.6.2 TS reported that the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association had confirmed that starting from 2000/2001, the time for control points retrieving was later than 2:30pm if two orienteering competitions were organised on the same date, then they would charge physiotherapy services of HK1,000 for 2nd event.
6.3 The clubs
’ recommendations of competitors to join the Champions League Events and the registration of event officials would be discussed at the next meeting.
二. 賽制之修改
2.2 會議通過維持參加聯賽資格之平均得分將與去年相同,詳情如下:
2.2.1 於HE、DE、H21或D21組之平均分數為700分可維持參加聯賽資格。
2.2.2 於其他組別獲平均分600分可維持參加聯賽資格。
2.3 會議並通過晉升至錦標聯賽之平均分數與去年相同:
2.4 回應同社之第二項建議,會議通過如第二名及第三名之平均分數與冠軍之分數相近,他們則可以去信技術委員會,技術委員會會就是否晉升或維持資格參加錦標聯賽作出商討。
2.5 會議否決同社之第四項建議,2000/2001年度錦標聯賽各組別之參加人數限於20人;由2001/2002年度開始,男/女子21歲組別之參加人數將增至30人。
2.6 會議通過錦標聯賽組別的路線組合如下:
1. 男子E組 2. 男子21歲及男子35歲
3. 男子20歲及男子40歲 4. 女子E組及男子45歲
5. 男子18歲、女子21歲及女子35歲 6. 男子16歲、女子18歲及女子20歲
7. 男子14歲 及女子16歲 8. 女子14歲
賽制之修改於會議上通過。三. 色級賽
3.1 經商討後,會議通過男子45歲年齡組別將被列為"綠色",而年齡組別男/女子21A之年齡組別則修改為男/女子21B。
3.2 年齡組別及色級路線之組合如下:
色級路線 年齡組別
白色 /
黃色 女子14歲
橙色 女子16歲及男子14歲
紅色 女子18歲、男子16歲、女子20歲及女子21B
綠色 男子18歲、女子35歲、男子21B及男子45歲
藍色 男子20歲、女子21歲及男子40歲
啡色 男子21歲及男子35歲
四. 錦標聯賽
4.1 技術秘書於會上傳閱一份給錦標聯賽賽員之通告初稿,會議通過增加內容“賽員需跟據有關之年齡組別而參加適當之組別,而年齡則以2001年1月1日計算。繳交回條之截止日期為2000年6月15日。
4.2 會議通過劉泳行先生及李惠英小姐分別可以參加2000/2001年度男子E組及女子E組。
4.3 會議通過以下人仕可以維持參加2000/2001年度錦標聯賽的資格:
1. 謝以律 2. 陸志軒 3. 梁海泉 4. 高卓榮
5. 葉家輝 6. 蘇梅曦 7. 葉蓁蓁 8. 黃秀雲
9. 陳湘瑜 10. 董康慧 11. 招玨礪 12. 黃懿德
4.4 技術秘書報告收到香港野外定向會提名四位賽員參加2000/2001年度之聯賽,技術秘書表示香港野外定向會之提名將於下次會議與其他屬會之提名一併商討。由於下次會議定於2000年6月5日舉行,所有屬會必需於2000月6月5日前繳交提名。屬會應清楚填寫被提名者之野外定向經驗,及在提交有關提名前確定他們會參加聯賽。技術秘書並表示青少年運動員之提名將由訓練及教練委員會跟進。
五. 賽事年曆
5.1 會議對各屬會舉辦已向總會註冊之色級賽及錦標聯賽並無反對。
六. 其他事項
6.1 技術秘書報告總會收到Steve Holmes先生之電郵,表示要求避免錦標聯賽與越野馬拉松在同一日舉行,因為越野馬拉松對野外定向運動員是一個良好的訓練機會。回應Steve Holmes先生之要求,由香港定向越野會協辦之錦標聯賽已經改於2000年12月3日舉行。
6.2 技術秘書報告香港物理治療學會已確定由2000/2001年度開始,如有兩個野外定向比賽於同一日舉行,而賽區關閉時間在下午2時30分或以後,第二場賽事之賽會需繳付港幣一千元之物理治療費用。
6.3 下次會議將討論屬會之錦標聯賽提名及賽事工作人員之註冊事宜。