Orienteering Association of Hong Kong

Minutes of the Eleventh Technical Committee Meeting on Competition System

Held on 5 June 2000, 7pm at Meeting Room Nos. 3 & 4 of Sports House

Item 1 Confirmation of Last Meeting Minutes

1.    The amendment of last meeting minutes was proposed by Mr. Chan Kwok Wai, Aaron of HKOC and was seconded by Mr. Yeung Wai Yin of VOC. The minutes was confirmed with the following amendment :

1.1.1 Item 5.2 in the Chinese version should be amended as "……….由新方向定向會或童軍定向會……及由同社或青進野外定向會………"

1.1.2 Item 5.3 in the Chinese version should be amended as "會議對於由已向總會註冊之屬會協辦色級賽及錦標聯賽並無反對"

1.1.3 Item 6.3 in the Chinese version should be amended as "下次會議將討論屬會之錦標聯賽賽員提名……."

Item 2 Hong Kong Champions League

2.1 TS reported that OAHK received the reply slip of e-card and champions league from 60 league runners. 43 runners chose to buy new e-card while 17 runners would hire e-card. The deadline for returning the reply slip would be on 15 June 2000.

2.2    TS reported that OAHK received recommendations of runners to join the 2000/2001 Champions League Events from 4 clubs : AKIN, HKOC, MKM & SOC. The recommendation letters were circulated at the meeting.

2.3 After discussion, the recommendations from AKIN, MKM and HKOC were endorsed by the meeting, while Ms. Fung Yuk Ching of HKOC was accepted to join class D21 in Champions League. Mr. Yuen Tung Nam of SOC was accepted to join Champions League on condition that his club sent a formal recommendation letter to OAHK.

2.4 OAHK received an e-mail from a member, Mr. Wong Lung Sang of SOC, queried about the competition system. The meeting agreed that he should submit his enquires through his affiliated clubs to TC for discussion.

Item 3 Event Reports

3.1 The event and controller reports of Champions League and Color-coded Events for the year 1999/2000 were circulated at the meeting. After discussion, all the reports and the registration of events officials were endorsed by the meeting.

3.2 TS advised that clubs could give the colour sample to the printing company instead of pantone for map printing.

3.3 OAHK had produced the new legend to be distributed for free. Clubs could send this legend to competitors together with the event information.

3.4 AKIN was advised to plan more long leg in course setting.

3.5 Clubs were reminded to avoid putting control points in place where feature was unclear and controller should have the responsibility to avoid such happened.

3.6 The meeting agreed that the event reports should submit to OAHK together with the financial report as soon as possible after each event, and controllers reports should also be submitted to OAHK as soon as possible. Allowance would only be released after the reports were received.

3.7 The meeting agreed that event reports should be submitted to OAHK for all competitions which were financially supported by OAHK, such as Night OL, Mr. Birney Memorial Event. Otherwise subvention would not be released. For other open events which were not financially supported by OAHK, the organiser could still submit the event report for the purpose of event official registration.

Item 4 Any Other Business

4.1 TS encouraged members who had attended the TC meeting to pass to their clubsmembers the message or decisions made at the meeting.

4.2    As proposed by Mr. Chan Kwok Wai, Aaron of HKOC, the amendment of entry forms for Colour-coded and Champions League Events would be discussed at the next meeting. The entry forms for last years Colour-coded and League Events would be sent to all clubs together with minutes of this meeting (Appendix 1).

4.3 Mr. Chan Kwok Wai, Aaron of HKOC proposed that experienced orienteers could not join the CATI class. After discussion, the following statement would be stated in the entry form of all open events in next competition season : Those competitors who had gained prizes in open events before were not eligible to get prizes in class CATI.

4.4 TS granted thanks to all clubs' representatives who had attended the TC meetings.









1.    通過上次會議紀錄

1    由香港野外定向會之陳國偉(Aaron)動議並由VOC之楊偉賢和議,上次會議紀錄修改如下:

1.1.1 中文版本第5.2項修改為:"由新方向定向會童軍定向會…..,及由同社青進野外定向會…."

1.1.2        中文版本第5.3項修改為:"會議對於由已向總會註冊之屬會協辦色級賽及錦標聯賽並無反對。"

1.1.3        中文版本第6.3項修改為:"下次會議將討論屬會之錦標聯賽賽員提名…."

. 香港錦標聯賽

  1. 技術秘書報告總會收到60名錦標聯賽賽員有關電子控制咭及錦標聯賽之回條,43名賽員選擇購買全新電子控制咭,而17名賽員則選擇租用電子控制咭,繳交回條之截止日期為2000年6月15日。
  2. 技術秘書報告總會收到四個屬會參加2000/2001錦標聯賽之賽員提名:分別為同社、香港野外定向會、保良局馬錦明中學野外定向會及童軍定向會。提名信於會上傳閱。
  3. 經討論後,會議確認由同社、保良局馬錦明中學野外定向會及香港野外定向會之提名,會議通過香港野外定向會之馮玉貞參加女子21歲(D21)組別,而童軍野外定向會之袁東南則需提交正式之屬會提名信予總會後方可參加錦標聯賽。
  4. 總會收到由童軍定向會之黃隆生之電子郵件,查詢有關賽制事宜;會議通過有關查詢應該由其屬會提交予技術委員會討論。


三. 賽事報告

    1. 1999/2000年度錦標聯賽及色級賽之賽事及控制員報告於會上傳閱,經商討後,會議確認所有報告及賽事工作人員之註冊。
    2. 技術秘書建議屬會將“色版”交予印刷公司印製地圖,而並非"pantone"
    3. 總會已印製一批全新之圖例作免費派發,各屬會可將該些圖例與賽事須知一併寄予賽員。
    4. 會議建議同社在路線設計方面設計多些路程較長之路線。
    5. 會議提醒各屬會不要將控制點設於地徵不清楚之地方,而控制員則有責任避免此情況發生。
    6. 會議通過賽事報告及財政報告需於比賽後儘快提交予總會,而控制員報告亦應該儘快提交予總會。津貼只會於收到有關報告後發放。
    7. 會議通過所有由總會資助之賽事必須提交賽事報告,例如:黑夜定向賽及白理義先生紀念賽,否則不會發放有關資助。而其他並無總會資助之公開賽事,主辦單位亦可提交賽事報告以作為賽事工作人員註冊之用。

四. 其他事項

    1. 技術秘書鼓勵各出席技術委員會會議之會員將有關信息及會議決議傳達予其屬會會員。
    2. 由於香港野外定向會之陳國偉(Aaron)建議,色級賽及錦標聯賽報名表之修改將於下次會議討論,去年色級賽及錦標聯賽之報名表將會與是次會議記錄一併寄予各屬會(附頁一)。
    3. 香港野外定向會之陳國偉(Aaron)建議有經驗之賽員不得參加公開賽的體驗組。經商討後,由下個賽季開始,所有公開賽之報名表上需加上下列句子:曾在公開賽事中獲獎之賽員將不會在體驗組中獲頒獎項。
    4. 技術秘書向所有曾出席技術(賽制)委員會會議之屬會代表致謝。