





一.    通過上次會議紀錄

    1. 會議通過如有任過緊急問題,將可以七日前通知召開此會議。

. 跟進事項

    1. 跟據第2.1項,童軍野外定向會之袁東南先生表示總會未有正式就他有關要求將1999/2000年度色級排名之分數由男子21組別轉到男子35組別之信件作出回應,而只是請童軍野外定向會提名他參加2000/2001年度之錦標聯賽;經過冗長之討論後,技術秘書表示他之排名組別將會跟據他在報名表上所填寫的為準,即是男子21組別,而有關分數不可轉到男子35組別。

三. 錦標聯賽

    1. 技術秘書報告收到鄧碧群、黃堅兒及Angela Morgan之信件,分別以學業及其他私人理由要求豁免參加2000/2001年度之錦標聯賽,有關信件在會議中傳閱。經商討後,會議通過如下:
      1. 她們只可以獲豁免一年。

      2. 她們可以於2001/2002年度再參加錦標聯賽,但須視乎她們所參加組別之人數;優先權將給予能保持留級之聯賽賽員及由色級賽晉級之賽員。
      3. 她們如有意再參加錦標聯賽,須於2001/2002年度賽季開始前以書面通知總會。

四. 賽事工作人員註冊

    1. 技術秘書報告收到於5月6日舉行之黑夜定向賽之賽事報告,有關報告在會上傳閱;會議確認此項比賽之賽事工作人員註冊。
    2. 技術秘書傳閱一份可再行註冊之賽事工作人員名單,因為他們曾參與1999/2000年度賽事之工作。會議通過賽事工作人員之註冊每年審核一次,而註冊有效期為三年。例如:如主辦者參與1999/2000年度之賽事,他之有效註冊年份為2000/2001、2001/2002及2002/2003年度。註冊賽事工作人員之證書會每年頒發一次,總會會準備一份有註冊年份及有效年份之賽事工作人員註冊名單。
    3. 會議通過所有註冊賽事工作人員之年齡必須十八歲或以上,而每張地圖最多可以註冊四名繪圖員。
    4. 屬會可於下次技術委員會會議一星期前補交註冊賽事工作人員名單(即11月27日前)。

五.    其他事項

    1. 技術秘書提醒錦標聯賽賽員應儘快遞交總會入會表。
    2. 技術秘書提醒錦標聯賽賽員在色級賽報名表中無需填寫年齡組別;會議並通過應在報名表上清楚列明"男/女子21B"並非排名組別。
    3. 技術秘書傳閱於1999/2000年度技術委員會(賽制)會議中之議決。錦標聯賽中男/女子21組別應加於男/女子35組別之路線組合,而男/女子E組路線應該較長。技術秘書提醒各屬會通知會員有關技術會議之議決。
    4. 技術秘書傳閱1999/2000年度錦標聯賽及色級賽各組之勝出時間,有關資料可作為本年度路線設計之參考。
    5. 第一場及第二場色級賽及第一場錦標聯賽之主辦屬會將獲邀出席下一次技術委員會會議。



Orienteering Association of Hong Kong

Minutes of the Second Technical Committee Meeting on Competition System 2000/2001

Held on 23 October 2000, 7pm at Meeting Room No. 7 of Sports House

Present : Mr. Yeung Kwok Keung Technical Secretary

Mr. Yeung Wai Yin VOC

Mr. Leung Lam AKIN

Mr. Lui Ka Lok C&P

Mr. Lo Wing Shiu HKOXCC

Mr. Chan Kwok Wai, Aaron HKOC

Ms. Wong Kin Yee MWCSOC

Mr. Chan Fai Lung - ditto -

Mr. Chan Tung Chi - ditto -

Mr. Lai Yiu Pang - ditto -

Mr. Lau Wing Kit SOC

Mr. Hui Siu Tung DBSOC

Mr. Choy Kwok Wing NDOC

Mr. Ng Cheuk Hei CSKOC

Mr. Poon Tsz Lun - ditto -

Item 1 Confirmation of Last Meeting Minutes

  1. The confirmation of last meeting minutes was proposed by TS and was seconded by MWCSOC. The minutes was confirmed without amendment.
  2. Meeting agreed that in case of urgent problem, this meeting could be called with 7 days notice.

Item 2 Matters Arising

  1. Refer to Item 2.1, Mr. Yuen Tung Nam of SOC said that OAHK did not response to his letter on conversion of his gained points from H21 to H35 in Colour-coded Ranking 1999/2000, but instead OAHK asked his club to nominate him to compete in Champions League Events 2000/2001. After lengthy discussion, TS said that his ranking class was based on what he completed in the entry form, i.e. H21 and the score could not be converted to H35.

Item 3 Champions League Events

  1. TS reported that OAHK received letters from Ms. Tang Pik Kwan, Ms. Wong Kin Yee and Ms. Angela Morgan on the exemption from joining the Champions League Events 2000/2001 because of academic and other personal reasons. These letters were tabled at the meeting. After discussion, meeting agreed to give them a reply as follows :
    1. They could exempt for one year only.

    2. They could join the Champions League Events 2001/2002 again, but it should depend on the number of runners in the class they wished to join and priority would be given to those who could retain in League and those who could promoted from Colour-coded Ranking.

    3. They should write to OAHK before the commencement of competition season in 2001/2002 if they wished to join Champions League Events again.

  2. Meeting rejected the request from Ms. Wong Kin Yee on joining Colour-coded Events for gaining ranking scores to be promoted to Champions League Events.

  3. TS reported that OAHK received an e-mail from Mr. Au Man Bun of HKOC on requesting to join Champions League Events 2000/2001. The meeting rejected his request since the deadline for nomination was already passed.

Item 4 Registration of Events Officials

  1. TS reported that the event report for Night OL Event held on 6 May 2000 was received and the report was circulated at the meeting. Meeting endorsed the registration of event officials for this event.

  2. TS tabled a list of event officials that were eligible for re-registration since they had taken up events in 1999/2000. Meeting agreed that the registration of event officials would be endorsed annually and the registration could be valid for three years. For example if an organiser took up a event in 1999/2000, his registration would be endorsed in TC and could be valid in 2000/2001, 2001/2002 and 2002/2003. The certificate for registered event officials would be presented annually. OAHK would prepare a list of registered event official which include the year when registered and year of valid.

  3. The meeting also agreed that the registered event officials should be aged 18 or above and each map could register a maximum of 4 mappers.

  4. Clubs could submit a supplementary list of registered event officials to OAHK one week before next TC meeting (i.e. before 27 November 2000).

Item 5 Any Other Business

  1. TS reminded that Champions League runners should submit OAHK membership form as soon as possible.

  2. TS reminded that Champions League runners need not complete the "Age Class" in Colour-coded entry form. Meeting also agreed that it should state clearly at the entry form that only "H/D21B" were non-ranking classes.

  3. TS had tabled a document on the decisions made at the Technical Committee Meeting on Competition System for the year 1999/2000. The H/D21 course in Champions League Events would be added at the course combination of H/D35 class and H/DE course should be longer. TS reminded clubs to inform their members about the decisions made at TC Meeting.

  4. TS also tabled the winning time of Champions League Events and Colour-coded Events in 1999/2000. It could serve as a reference for the course setting this year.

  5. The organising clubs of Colour-coded Events No. 1, No.2 and the Champions League Event No. 1 would be invited to attend the next TC meeting.

Item 6 End of Meeting

  1. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2130 hours. The next meeting would be held on 4 December 2000. All clubs were advised to send representatives to the meeting.