Orienteering Association of Hong Kong



Affiliated to: International Orienteering Federation and Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China 

聯合名譽贊助人:施德論先生 楊孝華先生  Joint Honorary Patron:  Mr. John E. Strickland   Mr. Howard Young




Orienteering Map Requiring Updating

Risk of Hazard – Unmapped Deep Pits

Tai Tong Map


After the recent APOC Relay Event, the organiser has reported that the Tai Tong Orienteering map (OAHK Reg no. 13/2006) needs urgent updating to include several deep pits on the NE top of the map. The location of the pits is shown it the following map cut out.


The map shall not be available for orienteering activities until updated.  Please inform your members that if they practise in the area using old maps, there are unmapped pits on the map in the area and should be cautious when orienteering in the area. 


Yue Ting Wang, Dominic

Technical Secretary

15 January 2007




香港銅鑼灣掃桿埔大球場徑一號奧運大樓1014 Room 1014, Olympic House, No.1 Stadium Path, So Kon Po, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


電話 Telephone  (852)25048111, 25048112                    傳真 Facsimile      (852)25775595

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