Technical News

Orienteering is still developing rapidly in technical aspect. New systems and ideas are always generated by members of Technical Committee and also the public. You should visit here frequently if you want to catch up the "fashion" of orienteering in Hong Kong, and reflect your opinions to members of Technical Committee or your club's representative in Council.


Technical Corner Date of Post
The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law June 2015,  
English Version, Chinese Version
The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law January 2014,  
English Version, Chinese Version
Update Hightlights for the Competition Bylaw and Guideline (2013)
(in Chinese)
The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law January 2013,  File Download: English Version, Chinese Version 2013-01-30
International Specification for Control Descriptions 2004 - English Ver, Chinese  Ver.
International Specification for Orienteering Maps (ISSOM2000)
International Specification for Sprint Orienteering Maps (ISSOM2007)
Competition Rules for IOF Foot Orienteering Events (Valid from 1 January 2011)
OAHK Orienteering Competition By-law (Rev.2012-07),
English Ver., Chinese Ver.
Organisers and Runners Workshop 2012 on 2012-09-09
Technical Information (in Chinese)

Nutrition Management for Orienteering Athletes
(in Chinese)
SOM2000 OCAD Symbols File
Note: From 2004/2005, 1:10000 Map Symbols are used for the 1:10000 Map


Announcements Date of Post
Mapping Course (to held between Feb.-May 2014), Entry Form  (in Chinese)
Entry Deadline: 2015-01-21
(in Chinese)
Notice: Electronic Timing and Punching System  
(in Chinese)

As from 2015, all the events organised by OAHK will use the ETPS of SPORTident.
OAHK will use the 9th generation of the SPORTident (SI‐Card 9),SI‐Card 9 with memory capacity for data of 50 controls.
Members can buy or rent a SI‐Card 9 from OAHK. Members may also buy their SI‐Card 9 (newer versions SI-Card), for details please browse:
Members should submit the SI‐Card Registration Form to OAHK whatever you buy or rent a SI-Card from OAHK.
Contact the OAHK staff if you have any enquiry.
Athletes and Event Officials Workshop 2014  (2014-03-03),
Workshop PowerPoint Presentation File (in Chinese)
Mapping Course March-October 2014
Entry Form (in Chinese)
Entry Deadline: 2014-03-10
Athletes and Event Officials Workshop 2014  (2014-03-03),
Reply Slip (in Chinese)
List of Registered Event Organizer
 (Appointed until December 31, 2014)
(in Chinese)
Evaluation for Development of the Local Orienteering 2013-02-28
Mapping Course 2012-2013
Entry Form (in Chinese, to be organized in March-October 2013
Entry Deadline: 2013-03-08
Organisers and Runners Workshop 2012 on 2012-09-09
Technical Information (in Chinese)

Nutrition Management for Orienteering Athletes
(in Chinese)
The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law July 2012
File Download: English Version, Chinese Version
Organisers and Runners Workshop 2012 on 2012-09-09,
Entry Form (in Chinese)
Entry Deadline: 2012-09-05
Event Organiser Course 2012 (in Chinese)
Entry Deadline: on first come first served basis
Summary of Competition Arrangement to be applied from the Event Calendar 2012 2012-05-08
Renewal System for Registration of Event Organizer (in Chinese) 2012-04-02
Mapping Course 2012, Entry Form (in Chinese, to be organized in March-July 2012, Entry Deadline: 2012-03-17) 2012-03-02

2011-09-03 Briefing on Competition By-Law for Competitors 2011
2011-09-04 Briefing on Competition By-Law for Officials and Clubs 2011
2011-10-10 Consultation, Technical Committee, OAHK Council Meeting
(the probe on the development of local competitions)

(in Chinese)


Course Setter Training Course, Entry Form (in Chinese)
to be organized in November 2011

Entry Deadline: 2010-10-28


The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law September 2011
File Download: English Version, Chinese Version


Runner Rules and Competition By-law Seminar for runners, Reply Slip
                 (in Chinese, to be organized on 3/9/2011)
Runner Rules and Competition By-law Seminar for clubs, Reply Slip
                 (in Chinese, to  be organized on 4/9/2011)


List of Controller and Organizer 2010-2011
List of Registered Organizer 2010-2011


EMIT Workshop, Entry Form (pdf), Entry Form (MSWord)
Entry Deadline: 2010-10-30


List of Controller and Organizer 2010-2011
List of Registered Organizer 2010-2011
List of Organizer to be Recognized


The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law August 2010
File Download: English Version, Chinese Version

Organizers and Controllers Seminar, Reply Slip (in Chinese)
(to be organized in September 2010,
Entry Deadline: 2010-08-27)
Runner Rules and Competition By-law Seminar, Reply Slip (in Chinese)
(to be organized in September 2010,
Entry Deadline: 2010-08-27)
Mapping Course, Reply Slip (in Chinese)
(to be organized in March-April 2010,
Entry Deadline: 2020-03-05)

The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law October 2009  
File Download: English Version, Chinese Version


Wildness First Aid Seminar, Reply Slip (in Chinese)

 (Date of Seminar: 2009-10-16, Entry Deadline: 2009-10-10)

Event Organisation Seminar-EMIT (12/10/2008) in Chinese
(Entry Deadline:  30/92008)
The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law July 2008 and File Download 2008-09-02
The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law November 2007 and File Download 2008-06-17
Event Organisation Seminar (6/7/2008) (Entry Deadline:  27/6/2008) 2008-04-15
The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law amended in 2007 2007-11-21
Notice: Risk of Hazard - Unmapped Deep Pits, Tai Tong Map 2007-01-15
The OAHK Orienteering Competition By-Law August 2006 2007-01-14
Trail Orienteering Race for World Trail Orienteering Championships 2006(Tsingyi, 25/6/2006, Deadline: 19/6/2006) , Entry Form in Download Centre,
: Competition Rules for IOF Trail Orienteering Events valid from 1/2/2006
OAHK Orienteering Competition By-law July 2005 2006-03-15
The Minute of 3rd Technical Committee Meeting held on 19/11/2004 2004-11-30
Elite Runners List for Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League Events 2004/2005 (Updated) 2004-11-15
The Minute of 2nd Technical Committee Meeting held on 21/9/2004 2004-10-18
Elite Runners List for Hong Kong Orienteering Ranking League Events 2004/2005 2004-10-06
International Control Description Sheet and Symbols (PDF file, IOF2004, HK 7/2004 Chinese Version) 2004-09-24
OAHK Orienteering Competition By-law August 2004 2004-09-08
Summary of Competition Rules to be Applied from 2004/2005 (amended), the Minute (in Chinese) of  1st Technical Committee Meeting held on 13/8/2004 and the Appendix. 2004-08-24
Summary of Competition Rules to be Applied from 2004/2005 2004-08-18
According to the decision of Technical Committee, the new OCAD symbol set will be used for the drawing of 1:10000 map as from next season (2004/2005).  Download ISOM2000HK.ocd from Download Centre 2004-06-29
Resolution on appeal on Champions League Series 1 results and
complaint on Champions League Series 2 results
Appointment of Event Controllers for 2002/2003 (Chinese Only) 2002-09-06
Amendment of Orienteering Competition By-law (Chinese Only) 2002-08-29

Minutes of Technical Committee (2004/2005) Meeting

1st Technical Meeting - (13/8/2004) in Chinese and Appendix 1


minutes next to white ball are in DynaDoc format:

3rd Technical Meeting - (08/06/2004) in Chinese

whitebal.gif (893 bytes) 1st Technical Meeting - (16/09/2002)

whitebal.gif (893 bytes) Special Technical Meeting on Competition System - (03/06/2002)
whitebal.gif (893 bytes) 3rd Technical Meeting on Competition System - (07/01/2002)
whitebal.gif (893 bytes) 2nd Technical Meeting on Competition System - (05/11/2001)
whitebal.gif (893 bytes) 1st Technical Meeting on Competition System - (17/09/2001)

whitebal.gif (893 bytes) 6th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (07/05/2001)
whitebal.gif (893 bytes) 5th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (19/03/2001)
whitebal.gif (893 bytes) 4th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (15/01/2001)

greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 2nd Technical Meeting on Competition System - (23/10/2000) Chinese and English
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 11th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (05/6/2000) Chinese and English
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 10th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (15/5/2000) Chinese and English
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 9th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (20/3/2000) Chinese and English
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 8th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (21/2/2000) Chinese and English
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 7th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (17/1/2000) Chinese and English
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 6th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (24/11/1999) Chinese | English
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 5th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (27/9/1999)
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 4th Technical Meeting on Competition System - (15/9/1999)
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 3rd Technical Meeting on Competition System - (17/8/1999)
greenbal.gif (922 bytes) 1st Technical Meeting on Competition System - (7/7/1999)