Registration System for Event Organizers
To be eligible to renew the registration as the Event Organizers, all Registered Event Organizers must meet the requirement of the "Renewal System for Registered Event Organizers " in 3 years (from the January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017)

Renewal System for Registered Event Organizers (In Chinese)


Every three year (from the January 1 to December 31)


1. to assist OAHK organizing orienteering events

2. to actively take training related to orienteering for enhancing the knowledge

3. to ensure that every Orienteering events are in compliance with the OAHK guidelines


1. Be the Event Organizer of OAHK events

2. Be granted the allowance of Event Organizer

3. Priority to participate in training by OAHK

Renewal Eligibility: